Commercial Skills

Patrocinan y Forman:
Cosentino • Plátano de Canarias

This course intends, from a fully dynamic, direct, entertaining and experiential action, that students participants enhance their skills and improve their attitudes in dealing with the client, thus, increasing their ability to proactively influence and sell more and better. In this course, we work on this using relational and emotional aspects of selling, giving more attention to the needs and interests of customers and looking to achieve the biggest impact on the relationship with them.

Número de plazas: 25 plazas

Duración del curso: 20 horas.

Créditos reconocidos: 2.5 créditos

Coste: 15€ (80% ahorro sobre 75€ de coste real))

Calendario del curso: Del 03/05/2024 al 11/05/2024

Horario: Viernes de 16:00-21:00 y Sábados de 9:00 a 14:00

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